So,who doesn't love watching television nowadays?
For some pretty obvious reasons, many of y'all will agree with me in saying 'No'.
Why? Because it SUCKS...
Despite numerous amounts of shows, TV channels seem to be showcasing an enormous downfall in the quality of shows that are being aired today. The first thing that comes to our mind is 'Daily Soaps'.
Who the hell named them 'Daily Soap' anyway?
It should have been named as 'daily filth', this name suits it much better, and the shows even live up to the name. These are not daily soaps, these are instead never ending soaps..
It is just humorous to see, how people can stretch entire shows by repeating the same thing over and over and over again - it is simply because they are able to manipulate peoples minds into believing this nonsense.
It all started few years ago, in a country not so far away, when there were those small time simple logical shows being aired that had some sanity to themselves. But, the happiness was short-lived as the devil of television serials came down bearing a large mark on her forehead, and gigantic malas hanging down her throat, bearing an evil grin [ that showed her crooked teeth] and plotting to rule prime time television by manipulating the minds of bhartiya naari by exhibiting nonsense - in the form of 'Ekta - mata'.
She came under the banner of a Gods name, but her deeds were evil.
Enough of the Melodrama, lets cut short...
She started of by doing a few serials first, which were liked by audiences everywhere. But she did not have many ideas to live with, so she started doing the same thing to all of her other serials as well. All the shows became monotonous. Switch to any channel, and you would see the same stuff. All the females in the house were glued to this nonsense, and it was more like they were addicted to the Idiot box.. [Then I realised why it is called the Idiot Box]. It was a pathetic time for people everywhere.
Hell! Then she switched to those Kkkkkkk's?
I almost thought that "Boy, this auntie is Sickkkk".
She ended her legacy of trademarked nonsense finally after many years and how. It was all a drama, when she said she would stop making soaps, and would get a life for herself. Yes it was, coz most of the famous soaps today are hers anyway, but people just don't seem to have noticed. I was on cloud no. 9 when she announced that her top-rated and the longest running TV soap (yeah, the most famous one in which the 'Baa' never died) was ALSO gonna end. I wasn't lucky enough to see how it ended, coz I was going on a field trip for a week, OR SO IT SEEMED.
However I coincidentally managed to view it in the hotel.... only to surprise myself. It ended saying.........
(You don't wanna read this).....
$HIT!!! So, is it gonna return to scare the living daylights out of us again? Only time will tell...
"God help us......... Bhagwan,.......Oh Thakurji,.... Deva,...... Almighty,....... uthale re baba..... mereko nahi, in serial walo ko..."
Until then, keep wondering people...
Do tell me if my posts are "Wise or Wicked"....
VB signing out.......
So,who doesn't love watching television nowadays?
For some pretty obvious reasons, many of y'all will agree with me in saying 'No'.
Why? Because it SUCKS...
Despite numerous amounts of shows, TV channels seem to be showcasing an enormous downfall in the quality of shows that are being aired today. The first thing that comes to our mind is 'Daily Soaps'.
Who the hell named them 'Daily Soap' anyway?
It should have been named as 'daily filth', this name suits it much better, and the shows even live up to the name. These are not daily soaps, these are instead never ending soaps..
It is just humorous to see, how people can stretch entire shows by repeating the same thing over and over and over again - it is simply because they are able to manipulate peoples minds into believing this nonsense.
It all started few years ago, in a country not so far away, when there were those small time simple logical shows being aired that had some sanity to themselves. But, the happiness was short-lived as the devil of television serials came down bearing a large mark on her forehead, and gigantic malas hanging down her throat, bearing an evil grin [ that showed her crooked teeth] and plotting to rule prime time television by manipulating the minds of bhartiya naari by exhibiting nonsense - in the form of 'Ekta - mata'.
She came under the banner of a Gods name, but her deeds were evil.
Enough of the Melodrama, lets cut short...
She started of by doing a few serials first, which were liked by audiences everywhere. But she did not have many ideas to live with, so she started doing the same thing to all of her other serials as well. All the shows became monotonous. Switch to any channel, and you would see the same stuff. All the females in the house were glued to this nonsense, and it was more like they were addicted to the Idiot box.. [Then I realised why it is called the Idiot Box]. It was a pathetic time for people everywhere.
Hell! Then she switched to those Kkkkkkk's?
I almost thought that "Boy, this auntie is Sickkkk".
She ended her legacy of trademarked nonsense finally after many years and how. It was all a drama, when she said she would stop making soaps, and would get a life for herself. Yes it was, coz most of the famous soaps today are hers anyway, but people just don't seem to have noticed. I was on cloud no. 9 when she announced that her top-rated and the longest running TV soap (yeah, the most famous one in which the 'Baa' never died) was ALSO gonna end. I wasn't lucky enough to see how it ended, coz I was going on a field trip for a week, OR SO IT SEEMED.
However I coincidentally managed to view it in the hotel.... only to surprise myself. It ended saying.........
(You don't wanna read this).....
$HIT!!! So, is it gonna return to scare the living daylights out of us again? Only time will tell...
"God help us......... Bhagwan,.......Oh Thakurji,.... Deva,...... Almighty,....... uthale re baba..... mereko nahi, in serial walo ko..."
Until then, keep wondering people...
Do tell me if my posts are "Wise or Wicked"....
VB signing out.......
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Wisely Wicked!!! lol ..cool VB! keep it up :)